It's the perfect time to host an intimate date with your money 💰

Aug 07, 2024

Think of it as spending quality time with your partner, or a relationship that you want to nurture and improve. 

The process below is the same process I took the women in The Wealthy Woman Mastermind through, as part of our weekly check in session, and it brought up a lot of powerful conversations and questions! 

Before you begin, carve out an hour or so, of sacred time to go deep into all things money, as energy flows where focus goes, and this practice has been the game changer in: 

- Reclaiming my financial power

- Healing patterns of self-sabotage

- Supporting me to acclimitise to receiving new levels of income (which have progressively grown year on year)

- Identifying opportunities to release money, to invest in wealth building opportunities


With your journal, reflect on anything that came up for you around money in July. List anything that made you feel any kind of way about it. Failed launches, dissapointing sales, awkward conversations with partners, judgement from parents - it all counts. 

💰 What meaning did you apply to these situations?

💰 How can you remove the emotions attached to these situations, and move back to a place of neutrality when it comes to money?

💰 What do you need to release and let go of, in order to reclaim your power in those situations? 


Go through all of your income recieved (inside & outside of your business) and expenses

💰 Identify any money leaks - i.e. subscriptions that you thought you had cancelled and cancel. This isn't about stripping out joy in your life, or restricting yourself, it's about bringing awareness around where your money is going and ensuring that everything spent is serving a purpose. 

💰 For any expenses that currently don't have good energy attached to them - how can you reframe or find gratitude in them instead? 

💰 Ensure that your 'Intentional Spending Plan', otherwise known as your budget, is actually reflective of how much it costs to be you. Usually we set wildly unrealistic budgets, that then result in shame spirals and frustration when we can't live up to the restriction. 


Set your goals for the money, based on desires as well as needs, get clear on the vision and imagine how it will feel when you experience all of the moments that you wish to create. 

Now ask yourself 

💰 Where do I have resistance to receiving this money?

💰 What part of me believes it isn't possible for me to achieve this goal?

💰 Are those beliefs actually true? Then find the evidence that they aren't!

Remember, money is not the thing that will make your goals happen, it's just a tool at your disposal - YOU are the thing that will make those goals possible, especially when you open yourself up to creative ways to receive them. 

If you are a coach, service provider, empath, Mumma or introvert like me I have the solution for you!

Click on the link below, to claim your Energy Gatekeeper Bundle. It has countless spiritual and practical energy cleansing practices and routines that will help to keep you aligned, vibrating high and manifesting your goals with ease, whilst cutting ties with any energy sources that do not serve you. 


Love and Light, 

Rebecca x 


Want to take this one step further? 

Download my free Wealth Activation System here for a deep dive into your subconscious brain, to heal your relationship with money and attract more wealth Today!

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